Chinese Negotiations: The Importance of Face

Negotiate 谈判 [tánpàn] David Petersson 潘德伟

Most Westerners are aware of the importance of giving and receiving face (面子 or miànzi). With this blog I would like to point out some important aspects of during business negotiations in China.


In China, a person’s reputation and social standing relies on saving face. A Westerner who fails to do so, even unintentionally, . . . → Read More: Chinese Negotiations: The Importance of Face

Chinese Negotiations: Eating Bitterness

Negotiate 谈判 [tánpàn] David Petersson 潘德伟

The Chinese are highly skilled negotiators and some of the tactics applied can be attributed to 吃苦耐劳 or chīkǔnàiláo which can be translated as “eating bitterness and enduring labour” and meaning one’s ability to work hard and endure hardships. This blog will discuss and give suggestions on the importance of this element when negotiating with . . . → Read More: Chinese Negotiations: Eating Bitterness